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DIY Needle Book Out of Fabric: Sewing With Kids

Welcome to Tutus and Fairy Tales! Every other week I share a story of Willow the adorable wood nymph teaching her human friend Charlotte how to embroider. Willow will show Charlotte how to make all sorts of things including how to sew a needle book out of fabric, how to sew an embroidery sampler, and much more.

This would make a fabulous homeschooling handicraft or handwork curriculum!

You and your children can learn right along with Charlotte. Don’t worry if this is brand new to you, I have you covered with lots of pictures to guide your way. The whole family is sure to enjoy the stories even if they are too little to sew. This week is a fun DIY needle book made out of my favorite fabric to sew with for kids: felt.

Felt is easy to cut, doesn’t fray, and has a natural thickness to it that makes it perfect for easy sewing projects such as the aforementioned needle book.

Easy felt needle book
This is a surprisingly simple needle. Great for your children and yourself to keep those embroidery needles organized!

Click here to jump right to the story!

Why Sew A Needle Book With Children

Many years ago, my husband kept accidentally finding the needles of our older children all over the house using only his feet! It was absolutely true! No one else ever stepped on a needle, only daddy. Something had to be done to save poor daddy’s feet!

Needle books were the answer! You can even just cut a simple rectangular piece of fabric and put your needles in it. Or you can sew your own simple needle book out of felt.

Click here to go right to the story that will teach your children how to make a simple needle book of their own! Not only will you learn the step-by-step process for your own DIY needle book, but you will also bring wonder into your home that will create a darling childhood for your children to look back on. Who would have guessed a story that teaches you how to make a needle book could do all that! hehe.

Having a needle book also helps prevent losing needles and never finding them again, even with your feet! Needing to re buy embroidery needles all the time is not enjoyable.

I can not promise that needles will never be lost again, we are talking about children after all, but I can promise it will happen much less often.

Stories Full of Easy Embroidery Projects For Your Kids

Why do I teach embroidery for kids through stories?

Can you think back to a story that you read or heard as a child that is still with you? I have many, including the story that shaped the importance of motherhood. It is an old Russian fairy tale called “My Mother is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World.” My husband read this story for our podcast entitled “Tales From Long Ago” because it is such an important and beautiful story.

Click here to listen to this wonderful, mother centered fairy tale. It’s free! Or you can search for Tales From Long Ago, wherever you listen to podcasts. (Highly recommend doing this. This podcast is great for long trips and running about town)

Stories stick with us. We remember them so much better then any other form of teaching. Not only this but also stories are a fabulous way to bring wonder into our children’s childhood’s and into our home. Oh and the times you spend together while following along will help you grow closer to your children. Who doesn’t want that?


  • These stories teach embroidery
  • It’s an easy and free handwork homeschooling curriculum
  • Are a great way for our children to remember their lessons
  • Connects you to your children
  • They bring wonder to those darling children of yours, even when they don’t put their shoes away for the millionth time! (I’m assuming my children are not the only ones who do this) 😉

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Not convinced this is for you? Have you ever heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words?” Do you love tiny things? Do your children love tiny things? Look at the tiny sewing below!

wood nymph fairy sewing
Here is Willow the wood nymph, sewing her needle book right along with her friend Charlotte.

Does this photo, I have been rattling away about, delight you? Will your children love this way of learning how to sew? Hurray!

Did you just say yes? Hurray!

Click here to start reading the story now!

Are you not sure? Read the story to your children and see what they think. It may not be for them but the only way to know is to try!

Or you can read them the first story. The needle book story is the second story. Read the first right here.

Click here if you would like to read the introduction and the why to my starting to write these stories.

Sewing Crafts For Kids

I wish you and those little ones that you love the most despite their noise and mess, a happy sewing time! Can we admit they are cute and adorable for a reason? Hehe.

Would you please do me a favor? If your family enjoyed the story would you let me know? Also if there is something your child would like to learn along with Charlotte then please comment on this post or send me an email at tutusandfairytales@gmail.com. And of course if you have any questions please let me know!

I wish you happy sewing time with your children!

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