7 Tips Hand Sew Together As A Family: For Homeschoolers
If you have homeschooled longer than 5 minutes then you have learned that learning together as much as possible is essential in homeschooling! This applies to Charlotte Mason inspired handicraft lessons as well. But how can your vastly different aged children possibly work together?
Well, I’ll tell you! Here are 7 tips that will help you craft together as a family.
Hand Sewing Awesomeness!
Hand Sewing!
Hand sewing has everything you need. When using sewing cards children as young as 3 years old can join in the fun. Well until the 3 year old starts using his sewing card as a weapon to defeat the evil older siblings, or is that just my family!
It works great for all age levels because children can work at their own pace with many levels of skill. One child may sew on a sewing card, sew a simple pillow case, or make a skirt! Super versatile with lots of room for creativity, hand sewing handicraft lessons are sure to be a hit!
I teach short simple sewing lessons through stories’ that are sure to delight little ones and your old ones. Plenty of picture makes this an easy and fun and keeps the preplanning stresses away from.
You simply buy the supplies, and follow the lessons. What can be easier than that?
How To Make The Lessons Work
Though my lessons are easy to follow I have the following 8 tips to help the lessons work well behind the scenes.
That’s what this blog is about.
The ages I suggest are not true for every child, but my experience this is bout right.
Hand Sewing Together As A Family Tip #1
Sewing Cards For The Little Ones
I am the youngest of 10 children and I was certain that I had to wait longer than ANY one else for EVERYTHING! I waited to start school longer than anyone else, I had to wait to get my ears pierce longer then any one else, the list could go on for miles and miles!
When I finally realized that it takes 6 years for everyone to reach their 6th birthday life became much more bearable!
So I can empathize with the little ones in the family who want to be so big, and be a part of everything, that I have done by best to include my littles as much as I can.
Sewing cards are the answer for ages 3 and up. Using shoe laces their little hands can sew up and down those cards! The pride is so adorable to watch.
Another tip is to be sure to say how special these cards are and they are just for them. You can go a long with the word special with your darling little people.
if you have younger ones, then I highly suggest having snacks. You can have special toys and books for them as well but I have found that snacks work the best.

Hand Sewing Together As A Family Tip #2
What To Do With ages 4 -6
With that being said ages 4-6 can do a great job with just going up and down on burlap. They are happy for a few minutes, and then they are ready to go play. If you have an embroidery hoop then putting the fabric in the hoop and letting your little sewers sew, works better! The hoop holds the fabric for them making it easier to sew.
They can continue to sew on burlap to learn their basic hand sewing stitches, or you can use aida cloth. When they are ready to work on a sampler to learn the basic sewing stitches. Just as it is common for beginner writing to write their letters big, so it is normal for their stitches to be big. The older they get the smaller their stitches.
As they progress they can make easy things like pouches, purses, and pillow cases.

Hand Sewing Together As A Family Tip #3
Learn The Basics Together
Roughly ages 6 and older can learn the basic stitches using a sampler. )The younger ones can use sewing cards or sew random stitches on burlap while the older ones learn the basic sewing stitches.) Their ability will vary a lot which is normal. These variations may not be because of age. Sometimes children have a greater talent for sewing like some have a better talent for writing, math, drawing, so to with handicrafts!
Some things must be taught one at a time so having a child read a loud while some wait works well or bring out an audio book to entertain the ones who are waiting. But for the most part they can all learn at the same time.
Honestly, the tricky part of this early stage is knotting and threading. (if you don’t know how to knot or thread follow this tutorial) Until they learn to do it themselves it will be tricky for you to knot and thread everyone’s needle and thread. But soon you will have help, and it will become easy.
Hand Sewing Together As A Family Tip #4
A Project For Everyone!
You can make sooo many things with hand sewing that no matter what your child is interested in, she/he can sew it!
I have 5 boys so there is a lot of daring do, so sewing caps, fighting dolls, and epic pillow cases are a sure win!
My lone daughter also likes fighting, (she’s learning how to forge a sword nd wants fencing lessons) also likes skirts, curtains, and decorating in general. So so versatile!
When you can sew home decoration items, clothing, costumes, toys…there really is something for everyone to love sewing and what is even more cool is they can go at their own pass and make up their own patterns. You’ll see their creativity flourish which will be a delight for you!
Hand Sewing Together As A Family Tip # 5
Charlotte Mason’s Short Lessons Are Perfect
Something I love about Charlotte Mason’s philosophy are the short lessons. Your preschool ages can spend a happy few minutes, with the older ones enjoying 15 minutes, then 30 and lastly 45. Once very basics are learned you can leave the older ones to finish up the time while you go give younger ones a bath or clean up the kitchen.
My lessons are taught through story so their attention will be in a happy place, but once the lesson is read, you can take this time to read a loud. You will quickly learn what works for your precious family.
Hand Sewing Together As A Family Tip # 6
Just a Little Pushing
So I was going to share a Charlotte Mason quote about not pushing more than children can handle, while pushing them to improve, but gosh ‘an darn it, I can’t find it! Well just know the she did say that, and it is a great thing to for our children.
This works in handicrafts too. Shorter lessons sometimes are necessary. So is having a good nights rest before coming back to the problem. You can even skip the handicraft lesson for the do if you need or want to!
Your children’s confidence will grow little by little…it’s a fun journey.
Hand Sewing Together As A Family Tip # 5
Older Helps The Younger
Now some times this can back fire. But more often it is helpful.
My children are much more patient with a sibling that is younger than the one closest to them in age. This means that I send my 12 year old to help his 7 year old brother and my 14 year old daughter to help her 9 year old brother. Make sense? Good!
To Recap
Handicraft lessons can be such a joyous part of your Charlotte Mason homeschooling that you will have wished you had started sooner!
You came seeking answers to how to handle multiple ages at one time with your handicrafts and now you have knowledge in how to handle the adorable chaos!
So here is a recap.
- No one likes to be left out especially little ones. Sewing cards will keep little hands happy and help them fell included and “big”. The word special is a magic word.
- With the 4-6 or so younger ones sewing on fabric the way they want to and gradually moving on to simple projects like pouches. Big stitches are expected.
- Learn the basic for ages 7 and up remembering to let the younger ones sew as they wish. They will be ready for the basic before you know it!
- After learning the basics together each child can easily branch out on their own for all interests and skills levels. A cap can be made as well as doll clothes. Possibility’s are endless! Great time for audio books or read aloud
- Works perfectly for the Charlottes Mason different times. The older ones can be left happily to finish their lesson while you attend to something else.
- Push just a little and watch their confidence sour
- Older helps younger, best if the older helps the sibling not next to them in age when possible
Just pick one thing that you feel will help you the most. When that has become a habit, you can confidently move on to the next tip.
Now go enjoy watching your children loving to learn!