
Charlotte Mason Handicraft Sewing Chapter 7 Blanket Stitch

Charlotte Mason sewing, where do you start?

You are enjoying the wonderful world of Charlotte Mason education, but this handicraft thing is a mysterious thing and you don’t where to begin.

Blanket stitch in purple embroidery floss shaped like a simple long skirt.
Practicing the blanket stitch. It’s not supposed to be perfect especially the first time! Mine is not perfect either.

Welcome to the Charlotte Mason inspired embroidery curriculum! Taught through whimsical stories and picture tutorials, this curriculum is the perfect place to start for both girls ands boys!

Last Time: William and Charlotte Oak, ages 11 and 9 respectively have been going into the woods to seek their friend Willow, who is a sweet and tiny wood nymph, about the size of your tallest finger, has been teaching them embroidery using a embroidery sampler to practice on. So far they have learned 4 different basic embroidery stitches and today they will learn their last stitch that will finished their well earned embroidery sampler.

If you would like to make your own sampler click here____ for your free download!

Charlotte Mason Sewing

Chapter 7 Blanket Stitch

“Come on Charlotte! What’s taking so long?” called William. He was new to these embroidery lessons with Willow but this doesn’t mean he loved them any less then Charlotte.

“I’m coming! I can’t find my embroidery basket!” answered Charlotte. ” Would you help me?”

So both searched in frustration until at last, Charlie, their 3 year old brother, came walking to them holding Charlotte’s embroidery basket, with a trail of the baskets innards trailing behind him.

“Oh Charlie!” said the exasperated Charlotte, “That’s not yours Charlie. Don’t touch it! “

Mother called from the next room saying, “He wouldn’t have it if you kept it out of his reach.”

Charlotte grumbled in her mind. She knew her mom was right but that doesn’t mean her basket should be gotten into every time she left it out for one minute! Right?

Well evidently it did for this is what happened. Little ones have a gift for finding things they ought not to have. Charlotte followed the trail and retrieved her embroidery things and stuffed them in her basket.

“Are you finally ready?” asked William.

“Yes! Let’s go! See you for dinner mom!” exclaimed Charlotte, already out the door and heading for the woods.

Charlotte Mason Sewing

Willow Hears A Heard Of Elephants!

The siblings both kept at a quick pace until they reached the beginning of the small meadow, at the end of which is Willow’s home. This time they didn’t make it to her house but were suspired to find Willow right next to Charlotte’s head on a tree branch.

“I thought I heard a herd of elephants tramping through the forest,” laughed Willow, “I’m so happy to know it’s not a herd of elephants but a herd of children ready to embroider!”

All three laughed. “Charlotte left her embroidery basket out and Charlie found it. ” explained William.

“Oh I understand, my little siblings do the same things. Wood nymphs and humans don’t seem to be all that different from one another do they?” Without waiting for a reply Willow continued, “I am so excited to teach you the blanket stitch. It’s definitely the trickiest stitch so far. Actually I might should teach you a couple more stitches first, but I am so excited to teach it to you I can’t stop happy wiggling!” Willow was indeed happy wiggling in the cutest manner imaginable.

Charlotte Mason Sewing

The Excitement of A Blanket Stitch

“Why does the blanket stitch excite you so much Willow?” asked William with a smile. Really if you haven’t seen a wood nymph’s happy wiggle, then you are missing out!

“Because you can do so many things with it besides embroidery! See my dress?” Charlotte and William looked, “I made it by myself using the blanket stitch!” Willow looked quite proud of her work as well she should, for it was a cute dress.

“It’s just darling Willow.” said Charlotte with admiration.

“Later,” replied Willow looking pleased, “I will show you different things you can create with the blanket stitch. For now, William would you please help me down and we will start our lesson.”

William held out his hand, palm up. Willow stepped onto his hand without fear. William was a little nervous about dropping her, but there was no need for Willow was soon on the ground, safe and sound. She went to the place where she had put her embroidery basket, more happy wiggles, and sat down with her pupils.

A tiny wood nymph doll dancing. Behind her are stumps and to the side of her is her tiny embroidery basket
Willow’s happy wiggle! Pay close attention to her dress, she sewed it herself using a blanket stitch!
Tiny wood nymph doll, wearing a purple dress and a green sun hat bending over to pick up her embroidery basket from the green wooded ground.
Willow picking up her basket to begin the lesson.

Charlotte Mason Sewing

Learning How To Sew A Blanket Stitch

“Let’s start with the skirt. As we always do, thread and knot your end.” Willow did just as she said with William and Charlotte following.

“Now, ” continued Willow, “Up you go with your needle on the edge line, and in-between the extra lines. That’s right. We are making a ____ triangle.”

Embroidery white fabric with two border lines one of pink running stitch, one of green stem stitch. Needle poling partly through from underneath

“Oh I know what those are!” said William glad he paid attention in geometry.

“Me too.” said Charlotte.

“I’m so glad. That will make this easier. Down you go here, don’t pull all the way. Up again, move the loop over your needle before you pull all the way. Is that making sense my dears?” William and Charlotte watched what Willow was doing closely. “You repeat from there!” Willow suddenly laughed, “There’s your confused crinkle again. Charlotte laughed and the confused crinkle disappeared. William looked puzzled so Charlotte explained.

“When I am confused a wringle shows on my fore head. Thank you for making me laugh. ” said Charlotte to Willow.

“You are most welcome.” smiled Willow. “Keep watching until I finish the skirt. I bet by then you will understand.”

Willow kept sewing all the way around. (dear readers this is the hardest embroidery stitch we have learned. If a video will help you then here one is.)

Charlotte Mason Sewing

Starting The Blanket Stitch

“I get it,” said William. He started sewing his skirt. Charlotte joined him, and together they slowly made their way around the skirt.

“You end it on the bottom right corner, like this.”

“That makes sense.” said Charlotte.

When they were done they were quite happy with their work!

“There aren’t any extra lines on the border so you will need to do the best you can with them. Remember to make the stitches as even as you can. Of course you will get better the more you try. As my mama and papa always tell me

If at first you don’t succed, try try again

“that saying sounds familiar.” said Charlotte.

“I wouldn’t mind my mama and papa saying a it a little less, but it’s still a good one!”

“Haha, I know what you mean,” chuckled William. Wood nymph and human children share the same trial of parents of being right but not wanting to admit it. 😉

“Do you remember how to undo your stitches?” asked Willow.

“Yep.” said William

“Yes Serie” said Charlotte.

“Here is how you finish the skirt.” After Willow finished showing them how to end, she said, “Now we are ready for the border! I didn’t have you draw all the same lines as you did with the skirt so you can practice spacing out your stitches yourself.”

Charlotte Mason Sewing

The Little Elf Poem

All three continued their sewing. As they sewed they chatted away quite happily. Willow’s happy wiggle was taking a break, as the source of the excitement was happening. They talked about gardens, holidays they loved, animals they loved, and more.

“My favorite animal is our sheep! They are so sweet and cute. I love it when it shearing time. It’s fun to watch and card the wool. My older siblings and my mother spin it. Some day they will teach me!”

“Oh I would love to learn how too!” exclaimed Charlotte with a dreamy look in her eye. William expressed interest too.

But then William thought of a problem with the wood nymph family having sheep. Can you guess the problem before William asks his question?

“Willow, what size are your sheep?”

“Their heads don’t reach my shoulders.”

“Are all your animals that size?” asked Charlotte.

“Oh yes,” said Willow matter of factly, as if tiny sheep were common, which to her, they were. “Our animals are the right size for us as yours are for you. That reminds me of a poem my mom likes to recite to us children.

Charlotte Mason Sewing

“The Little Elf”

I MET a little Elf-man, once, 
  Down where the lilies blow. 
I asked him why he was so small, 
  And why he didn’t grow. 
He slightly frowned, and with his eye         5
  He looked me through and through. 
“I’m quite as big for me,” said he, 
  “As you are big for you.” 
John Kendrick Bangs

“That’s cute” observed William.

Charlotte Mason Sewing

A Little Too Sappy

“Agreed.” said Charlotte. She sudden felt a growth of gratitude for your friend who enriched her life so much “Oh Willow you are such a dear!”

“You are such a dear too!”

“Oh goodness,” replied William,” this is getting a little to sappy for me.”

“Oh William, so silly!” laughed Willow.

“I’m done!” declaired Charlotte! “See?” She showed off her work.

“Well that would be very good only mine is better, ” teased William,” See!”

All three had a good chuckle.

Charlotte Mason Sewing

Embroidery Sampler Complete!

William asked Willow if she would help him memorize the poem as he had the goal of memorizing 100 poems just like his dad.

Willow, who loves to be helpful, repeated The Little Elf poem until William new it by heart. Us older folks would be quite envious how quickly William had it memorized!

While this was going on Charlotte and Willow finished all the blanket stitches on their beginner embroidery sampler.

“Hey! I just realized we are completely done with our samplers! Hurrah!” William jump up and did a victory dance, Charlotte join him with Willow performing her happy wiggle.

“Willow” called a tiny man’s voice from the Willow Tree House.

“That’s my papa calling me. I better run. See you next week my friends.”

Good byes were said.

Another happy lesson, another stitch learned. William and Charlotte wondered what they would learn next week!

The End

finished beginner embroidery sampler

What’s Going On Next Week

Thank you for joining me on our 8th embroidery lesson! To start at the beginning click here.

Next week come back for the first project the Oak siblings create, using the blanket stitch.

Hint: It has something to do with Valentines Day.

Want to start your own embroidery sampler?

See you then!

You May Also Like:

  • Enjoy a free easy tutu Christmas tree ornament here
  • Learn the running stitch here
  • Find more embroidery patterns to sew on my Etsy shop here

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