
Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families Who Love Ballet Stories

The Story of The Sleeping Beauty Ballet

A countdown to Valentine’s Day for families is here and better then striking gold!! Why yes, I am humble! Thanks for asking. Lol!

But seriously, if you want to feel closer to your family this Valentine’s Day, and for many more to come, then you really have struck gold! Family traditions are the magic sauce for doing just this, and I’m giving you an extra special one for free!

Valentines day story cards and pouch to keep it in
Aren’t the cards beautiful? I’m super proud of them but I’m even more proud of my Sleeping Beauty ballet story.

Why did I pick the Sleeping Beauty ballet as the story for Valentine’s Day?

The Sleeping Beauty has all kinds of love within it. The parents’ love for their daughter, godmother’s love for her godchild, love between a prince and a princess…if it’s love you are looking for, then the Sleeping Beauty ballet has it!

Keep reading to see if this story is right for you and your family.

If you’ve been here for a while, already love my stories, and don’t need to read the Sleeping Beauty story before deciding you want to own it, click here!

If not, read on!

Because this is a COUNTDOWN story each section goes by day instead of chapter.

Ready here? Here we go!

Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families

Day 1

Christening of a Princess

This was the last day! No more waking up to fear, wondering if this would be the day they would lose their beloved daughter, Aurora. Today holds the final hours of worry for the King and Queen. Sixteen long years of worry is at last almost over!

By mistake, Carabosse, one of the kingdom’s fairies, was not invited to the christening. Her wrath was palpable as she entered the castle and placed the curse upon their daughter.

“By Aurora’s 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on a spindle and die!”

The king and queen could never forget their gratitude towards Aurora’s godmother, the Lilac Fairy.

“If Aurora pricks her finger, she will not die, but sleep for a hundred years until a prince who truly loves her wakes her with a kiss.”

Yes, soon the nightmares for these loving parents would come to an end. Joy will fill its place for the future!

Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families

Day 2

Courting A Princess

“Son, I am sending you to King Florestan’s kingdom to attend his daughter, Aurora’s birthday celebration. You must win her heart.” King Rowntree glared expectantly at his heir.

“Yes sir,” replied the king’s son. While on his journey he found the most beautiful rose. He picked it in hopes Aurora would love the delicate flower.

The palace grounds were beautiful. Princess Aurora was beautiful. His rose was beautiful. His confidence grew.

Just then, he saw four other princes! “I must not disappoint my parents!” He didn’t admit to himself he would love to have Aurora for his bride.

The dance started. Prince Hopeful kept a watchful eye on Aurora to see who she liked the best. She was so polite and gracious to all of them even though they each did their best to impress her; how could he tell whom she preferred?

The opportunity came to give Aurora the rose! She accepted it graciously even though the other princes had the same idea! He stayed right with her while roses were being gifted to her. Perhaps she would not forget that his was the first rose given!

Just as our prince Hopeful was living up to his name, the dance came to a close. “Am I the one she favors?”

Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families

Day 3

A Courted Princess

Princess Aurora awoke. The sun shone in her window while the smell of roses reached her nose. She bounced out of bed to take a moment to enjoy a beautiful day.

She suddenly remembered what the day brought! This was the last day she needed to see the worried faces of her parents whenever they looked at her. She was alive and well and ready to turn 16!

But not so ready to meet princes. She would do it of course; for she loved her parents very much. She carefully chose her dress and did her hair before descending to the rose garden below.

Aurora saw her parents and rushed over to embrace them. They introduced her to four princes that had come from far away to court her. Music began. Her excitement to dance drove away all shyness.

Aurora danced with each prince. She closely examined them as they danced. Each prince gave her a beautiful rose. The first prince seemed quite determined to stay with her during this gift giving! This made her blush as pink as her favorite pink rose.

The dance ended. Outwardly Aurora smiled at the princes. “They are all kind and handsome, but I can’t see any of them as my husband,” she thought.

Just then, a stranger came into Aurora’s view, holding a curious object in her hand. What could it be?

Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families

Day 4

A Stranger and Her Gift

Aurora was full of curiosity. She rushed to the stranger, completely forgetting about the princes. The stranger held out a wooden stick with a wooden circle at one end and a pointy tip at the other.

“I wish you joy on your birthday my princess! Come and see! I have brought you a gift!” Aurora quickly thanked her, took the gift and danced with it. Mother and father watched their daughter with delight, until they recognized the object in her hands.

“Aurora, NO!” cried her parents. Alas, their cry was too late. Just then, Aurora touched the sharp tip of the spindle. Down to the floor Aurora dropped as if dead.

Laughter came from the stranger. The disguise melted away. The face of Carabosse was revealed.

“Guards, get her!” roared the king.

Carabosse conjured a carriage and rode away, laughing until she was out of sight.

Sobs filled the air, but none so loudly as those of the king and queen. The Lilac Fairy came to comfort them. “Remember, dear king and queen, she is not dead but sleeps only. All will be well.”

The Lilac Fairy put the castle and kingdom to sleep. Time passed. The whole kingdom turned into a forest. Decades of telling the story turned it into a fairy tale.

In a kingdom not so far away, a prince loved listening to fairytales.

Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families

Day 5

A Prince Who Loved Fairytales

One hundred years passed. In a kingdom not far away prince Désiré grew up listening to his mother telling him fairytales. He knew he was destined to do something important, something good.

As time passed, Désiré grew more restless. One day, his friends came to him and insisted he go hunting with them to take his mind off his troubles. Désiré reluctantly agreed. They set off into the woods.

Deep into the forest they went. The trees had an eeriness that no sunshine could dispel. “This is the forest where the sleeping princess lies,” said the prince.

His friends laughed and left him to his imaginings. His godmother, the Lilac Fairy appeared. The prince eagerly told her his beliefs.

Smiling, she confirmed his suspicions. She then told him the story of princess Aurora and her own part in it.

“So it is true! I knew it! I always felt it to be true!”

The Lilac Fairy presented the spirit of Aurora to prince Désiré’s. The prince danced and spoke with the sleeping beauty, He knew it was his mission to rescue Aurora and all the kingdom.

Aurora’s spirit could stay no longer. “Show me where she lies, dear godmother, for I must help!”

Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families

Day 6

A Kingdom Awakens

They arrived at the castle, surrounded by a forest and covered by thrones. Someone was watching them.

Carabosse left the shadows, tempting the prince with gold and jewels. The prince was not tempted. She offered him the power of all the kingdom, but he stayed strong. The prince knew where the roads of these temptations led; his mother’s stories were within him. He knew what path he must take.

Carabosse tried to kill him. Désiré sword flashed to defend himself. Carabosse slashed his shoulder. The Lilac Fairy rushed to help. Together Carabosse was no match for them and fled, screaming.

The Lilac Fairy helped Désiré find Aurora. She slept as if nothing had changed these hundred years.

He kissed her gently and waited. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. He knew he was meant to love and care for her for as long as he lived.

Do you remember me?” he asked her.

“I do, but I thought I was in a dream! My beloved Lilac Fairy was there.”

“Yes she was. She brought your spirit to meet me. Are you happy to see me?”

“Oh yes! You have a kind heart and a noble spirit.”

Thank you,” beamed Désiré. “You inspire me to be a better man.”

Kneeling down, he said with great earnestness, “Aurora, will you let me love you forever?”

She didn’t hesitate, she knew whom she wanted to marry. “Of course, I will!”

He scooped her up in his arms in the happiness of a triumphant lover!

Countdown to Valentine’s Day for Families

Day 7

Gratitude, Joy, and a Wedding

“Aurora!” Aurora’s mother and father arrived. Tears came to all eyes as the king, queen, and daughter embraced.

After much hugging and happy tears, the queen noticed Désiré, “I beg your pardon, but I don’t think I know you.”

Prince Désiré told the whole story, being sure to give his godmother the praises and gratitude she so well deserved.

The Lilac Fairy came. No godmother had ever been shown so much gratitude and respect before!

The Lilac Fairy felt great joy and declared the wedding must be planned immediately. And so it was.

Aurora wanted the beauty of nature to adorn her wedding and the love of family and friends to fill the seats.

It was a beautiful wedding. Laughter rang when prince Désiré’s friends came dressed as fairytale characters to dance before the fairytale couple.

The Lilac Fairy blessed them saying “Joy will be yours and your people will prosper. I bless you with wisdom and kindness all your days. Your family will grow and so will your love for one another.

And so it was as the Lilac Fairy said. Here we must leave them with the assurance that they lived happily ever after.

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Pink cards on top of white Valentines day heart

Next Week

Is this the perfect story count down to Valentines day your children will love?

Yes? Yay!

Click here to purchase these enchanting countdown to Valentines day cards.

Print, cut, and you’re all set.

Again, if you or your children are interested in sewing a simple, yet lovely felt heart pouch, then click here for the tutorial.

Next week is a free story tutorial (for your Charlotte Mason handicraft lessons) where we will make simple felt hearts to be used as balls, or Valentine’s Day decorations.

Upcoming is also a simple tutorial for a garland that is designed to have the Sleeping Beauty ballet story cards hung on them, after they have been read. Or use it a just an addition to your handmade Valentine’s Day decorations!

Until next time.

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    1. Oh shoot I knew I forgot to do something! I didn’t put a pin on the blog post. I’m so glad you said something!

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