Cute DIY Finger Knitting For Kids: Mini Christmas Tree Circle Rug

Enjoy this cute and easy DIY finger knitted mini circle rug for your little Christmas tree with your kids this Christmas!

Christmas is about giving and receiving but we can easily get caught up on just the receiving part, especially children. This is why handmade Christmas gifts and projects are the perfect way for our children to feel the joy of giving at Christmas time!

Mini Christmas tree with red finger knitted garland, and red finger knitted mini circle rug.
You can finger knit the garland too!

Grow Your Kids Giving Experience Through Finger Knitting

Making things for others helps us forget about ourselves for a little while.

I remember as a child being so excited to unwrap gifts Christmas morning! I was so happy to receive them each year, but I had not started giving yet.

When I was old enough to start making gifts, oh boy did that throw the excitement of gifts to a whole new level!

I planned, I made. Fingers were poked and frustrations felt, but I was triumphant at last! 

The best part? I started learning the joy of giving to others!

This mini rug can be for your home, or as a gift for grandparents. Whether they give to your home Christmas decoration or whether they give it as a gift, the lesson will be well learned.

What a beautiful gift we can give to our children right? The best part is it doesn’t need to take a long time, or cost a lot of money. Today’s cute DIY finger knitting with your kids mini Christmas tree circle rug is the perfect place to start!

Increasing Our Kids Happy Wiggles

I don’t know about you, but I used to express my excitement through happy wiggles, in fact I still do! Though in a very different way since I am very pregnant as I write this and nearly 40. My warm and happy feelings have not gone any where, they have only increased as I have seen my children make things for one another. 

Happy wiggly feelings are waiting to be inside your own children! To see their hard work as part of the Christmas display, makes them feel important to the family, and important to the family decorations that are brought out year after year, and enjoyed year after year. 

Finger Knitting With Kids

Finger knitting is perfect for kids, I enjoy it myself! It is a great way for your kids to prepare to learn how to knit later on. It is easy, and super versatile. Combine it with simple sewing and you have almost endless creative possibilities for your kids to explore!

Another favorite thing about finger with your kids is that you don’t need to spend a bunch of money for equipment, in fact there is no expensive equipment to buy! It’s just yarn, scissors and your fingers. When you sew your finger knitting together, then you add, an embroidery needle.

Kids as young as 5 can enjoy finger knitting! I have even hear children as young as 4 finger knitting, but all of my children were ready at age 5.

Materials Needed For A Finger Knitted Mini Christmas Tree Circle Rug

This is the materials you need for todays cute DIY finger knitting for kids mini Christmas tree rug tutorial:



Embroidery needle

And your fingers!

Step 1 Step 2 Finger Knitted Mini Circle Rug DIY

Tie your loop knot.

Now we go fishing!

The index finger and thumb go diving into the pond to pull up a fish! The fish is the long strand of yarn, pull it up, this is your fish. Pull tightly or you can keep it a little loose.

Repeat until it is the length you need. Coil your finger knitting around every so often to check if the length is right.

Step 2 Finger Knitted Mini Circle Rug DIY

Now we start sewing around in a swirling motion, a little bit at a time. Thread and knot your needle. When I craft with my children I don’t worry if they are sewing around perfectly. I teach them how, and let them do the best they can.

Keeping going until it is the size you want it to be.

Knot it.

Tuck in the end.

Place your little Christmas tree rug under your mini tree for an adorable mini Christmas decoration for your home!

You can handmade

Other Handmade Christmas Crafts With Kids

How did giving your kids the gift of give go?

You learned that handmade Christmas decorations made by your cuties can be cheap, easy, and fun!

Was it a gift to your home or do lucky grandparents have something to look forward to?

If you would love to keep going then check out my other Christmas projects that your kids can make without months of planning ahead! 

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