Easy Christmas Gnome Crafts For Kids 4 Homeschooling Families

Are you looking for an easy Christmas gnome craft for your kids? Are you a super busy homeschooling family that is running out of time for Christmas crafts?

This is your lucky day! I have an easy and budget friendly Christmas craft for your kids to enjoy complete with:

  • Free PDF pattern for 3 different gnome sizes
  • Step by step DIY tutorial
  • Link to a free story based on this gnome pattern that your children will want you to read to them again and again!

This an easy DIY Christmas felt gnome for kids Christmas craft for the family and is also great to use in your Charlotte Mason inspired homeschool, or any other way you homeschool your children.

little gnome children peaking from a door
Here is an excerpt of the story that was inspired by today’s DIY gnome tutorial. “The eldest of the three was Fred, he was the dignified age of 7. The next in line was Lissy being the perfect age of 6, with the youngest being 5, which was not so good as being 6 or 7, but we must all have trials in life mustn’t we? This poor child’s name was Lily.” From my original story entitled, “Christmas Eve Sneaking and Candy Eating Gnome Children Are Surprised”

Christmas Gnome Crafts For Kids

Have you noticed how many gnomes are available for purchase this year? I don’t know whether I have been asleep for many years, or whether it’s just become popular this year. However it has happened, I am grateful for it because I just love gnomes!

“But gnomes aren’t apart of Christmas!” you may be saying. This is true, but why not have them come join the party? The special magic that resides in Children’s Christmas literature can certainly have include gnomes, at least in my opinion they can.

Bring On The Christmas Gnomes!

If you would love to take this whole adorable Christmas gnome theme a step further I have you covered there as well! I have written a darling Christmas gnome story for kids this year. It is about 3 mischievous gnome children who get out of bed Christmas eve and their adventures, ending in Christmas love. It is a short and easy read that will give your whole family the warm fuzzy good feelings, leaving you loving one another just a little bit more this Christmas.

Bonus this gnome children look just like the gnomes we are going to make today! Funny how life can fall into place like that. 😉

Free Christmas Gnome Pattern

Before we start the DIY I would like to gift you the Christmas gnome pattern or template. You can get it right here.

What I love most about downloadable patterns is that if you lose it, or you watch in horror as your baby tears it to pieces, you don’t need to be full of stress or worry! Simply print it out again and again, however many times you need to!

Now that we have that covered we are ready to get started!

Materials List

  • Paper/printer
  • Fabric and paper scissors
  • Pins
  • Felt, any Christmas color
  • Needle with large eye
  • Embroidery floss or thread
  • Wool

Step 1 Christmas Gnome Crafts For Kids

For children ages 8 and younger just, just have them go up and down like the picture below. For details on how to sew this super simple hand sewing stitch, click right here.

First you need to get your free Christmas gnome pattern/template. If you missed it don’t worry, here it is again.

Cut out Christmas gnome pattern

Step 2 Christmas Gnome Crafts For Kids

Fold in half and begin sewing at the pointy tip hat, in between the two pieces of felt.

Put your needle in just a bit to the left and pull all the way. Now your needle is in the back. Bring your needle around to the front, poke your needle through to the back.

the first stitch in the Christmas gnome tutorial
step by step Waldorf gnome tutorial

Bring your needle back to the front and repeat.

Again, poke your needle from the front to the back, whip around to the front and repeat the process.

Step 3 Christmas Gnome Crafts For Kids

Continue until you reach the curve. Knot and cut. You have now finished the gnome hat!

Christmas gnome hood tutorial

Step 5 Christmas Gnome Crafts For Kids

Begin again for the body. You don’t want the stitches to far apart. Young children especially make their stitches big. It doesn’t have to be perfect just good enough to hold the wool inside.

Knot and cut your floss when you reach the bottom.

sewing the Christmas gnome body

Step 6 Christmas Gnome Crafts For Kids

Grab your wool and roll it in-between your hands to create an oval. This will be the head and face. Push it up the inside of your gnome with your finger until the face is in place.

Stuff the body, also using your finger, until your gnome is full and can stand on it’s own.

wool for Christmas gnome tutorial
Christmas Gnome tutorial end photo
Gnomes are cute aren’t they?

That’s it! Pretty easy right? How many more will you make? Are these Christmas gnomes to be played with, a gift, an ornament?

Whatever you decide I hope you and your family had a lot of fun!

Before You Go

Are you ready to read “Christmas Eve Sneaking and Candy Eating Gnome Children Are Surprised” Christmas gnome story now that you have made this easy DIY Christmas gnome pattern for your kids!

Click to read the story.

Here is a small sample of the story.

“Let’s peek in on mother and father,” whispered Fred.

This, of course, was agreed upon by all.

On the tips of their toes with breaths held, the three mischief makers opened the library door and peeked in.

Sadly, they did not have a clear view of the gift wrapping. Their beautiful Christmas tree, which they had loved so much was now their obstacle to seeing what surprises were in store for them

“Drat,” said Lissy. Fred frowned but Lily took the matter into her own hands.

She crept into the library and quickly dove behind the couch.

Breaths held, they waited….phew, they remained undetected!

Soon Fred and Lissy followed the younger sister’s example. Now all three were behind the couch, peering out. And oh, the wonderful things they saw!

Christmas Eve Sneaking and Candy Eating Gnome Children Are Surprised by Merrilee McDonald

Again if you would like to read this story click here.

A Christmas Gnome family tradition? Why not!?

watching mom and dad unwrap presents
Here is a photo from the story, “Christmas Eve Sneaking and Candy Eating Gnome Children Are Surprised”

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