Easy Hand Sewing Sampler Display Tutorial For Kids

One can not just work hard on a hand sewing sampler without an easy sampler display tutorial! Not only am I going to give you and easy and inexpensive way to display your child’s sampler, but I am going to give you links to the 5 basic hand sewing stitches tutorials so that if your children hae not yet made a hand sewing sampler, they soon will!

All of this and more coming up in this blog post! Enjoy all the goodies!

A hand sewing sampler hanging on a ship lap wall with bees wax candles and a decorative bowl
Sampler display tutorial can look lovely on your wall!

So your children, (yes boys can sew samplers too!) have sewn one of those delightful old fashioned hand sewn samplers and now needs a quick and easy way to display that will cause no extra stress for you!

“But my children have not sewn a sampler, but I would love them to!” Don’t worry I have free tutorials for all the basic stitches. The links are just a little ways down this blog post.

There are 5 tutorials that cover the 5 most basic hand stitches in a simple format. In my free homeschooling lessons I have included tips for including children as young as 3 in your sewing lessons as well. No a 3 year will not be sewing a sampler, but they won’t feel left out either!

If you are new to the concept of a hand sewing sampler then I have the answer for in the next section.

What Is A Hand Sewing Sampler

A hand sewing sampler is practice for the basic hand stitches in sewing. This can be in hand sewing, embroidery, or cross stitch. If you think your children would also enjoy learning to make an embroidery sampler click here for the first free lesson. A free embroidery stitch sampler pattern is included. These lessons are taught through story. Pretty cool right?

For generations samplers have been used to teach children the sewing basics. It works so well that I say, “Don’t fix what ain’t broken!”

List Of Hand Sewing Stitches

In my free Charlotte Mason inspired hand sewing sampler tutorial series, are the following stitches:

  • running stitch
  • back stitch
  • running back stitch
  • blanket stitch
  • whip stitch

Simple sewing stitches are the perfect way to get started in your hand sewing lessons!

Hand Sewing Tutorials

A list of the basic stitches is not going to be to helpful if you don’t have the hand sewing instructions too! So here they are!

Why Bother With A Hand Sewing Sampler Display Tutorial For Kids?

The amazing Charlotte Mason has it as part of her beautiful and rich curriculum. It wasn’t optional, it is part of the curriculum as is reading, writing and arithmetic. I have another post exploring more into this here, if you are interested.

Living books helps make what ever subject your family is studying come alive. If, from time to time, you make a hand made something to go with the book your children are loving, then how much more a live and real will this feel for your children!

I know how overwhelm you are with all there is to do with homeschooling. One child needs extra help with spelling, while another one doesn’t like reading, and of course that can’t ever be! The baby is teething and won’t leave you alone, you have no idea what to make for dinner and you wonder if you will ever see the floor again!

Let me help you with easy to follow tutorials and projects already planned and created for you!

Supplies Needed For Your Hand Sewing Sampler Display

The supplies for the hand sewing sampler in the photo are as follows:

  1. 4 sticks or dowels
  2. twine, yarn, or thin ribbon
  3. scissors
  4. glue gun and a glue stick
  5. your sampler

If you would like my free shopping guide that has everything you need to follow my basic hand sewing sampler tutorials!

Included in the free shopping guide:

  • list of supplies for all sewing ages 3-18
  • what stores you can but everything from
  • where to find it in the store

I am here to lesson your stress!

Easy Hand Sewing Sampler Display Tutorial

One can get pretty elaborate with the displaying of the sampler your children must be so proud of. But homeschooling mom’s don’t have time for that! I know, I used to be one. This is why I am keeping it simple in todays tutorial.

Step 1

Go outside and grab 4 sticks that are a little longer than the sampler. Break longer ones into the right size if you need to. Then plug in the glue gun.

Alternatively you could buy dowels. Here’s an easy link to purchase dowels on amazon. I buy mine at the dollar tree, but sometimes you just need something to come to you! I wish the dinner fairy would float ready made dinner to me every evening!

Back to reality.

Step 2

Put the sticks in a square to double check the size is right. Tie the corners with twine, ribbon, or thin lace. Use the photos as your guide.

Trim the tails on all four corners.

Step 3

Glue on the sampler to the sticks. I started with the top left. Glue a little bit at a time, one side at a time. So I started with the top left and went all the way across the top, down the right side, followed by the bottom, finishing at the left.

Glue the twine, ribbon, or thin lace for the handle.

Now you are ready to hand up your child’s hand sewn sampler. I bet he/she is beaming with pride! If you have multiple children who made a sampler, you can turn the school room into a gallery of great sewing art!

Now What?

Well, you now have the hand sewn sampler up for all to praise. Your children are smiling. You are thanking your lucky stars you didn’t need to plan the tutorials, or come up with a simple way to display the sampler.

Now what?

I want to here from you! What would your children love to learn next? What would you like them to learn? Heck, what would you like to learn for yourself? Your children can’t be the only ones to have all the fun!

Comment below and let me know what your heart desires!

Other Free Tutorials

My Esty Patterns

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