Family Styled Hand Sewing Curriculum For Busy Homeschooling Moms #2

How wonderful would it be to watch your children love learning? How amazed would you be if your child could sew an apron to gather “treasures” during nature study, or make a treasured doll? And how great would it be if the lessons were family styled, meaning you don’t need to do ANY preparing before the lesson begins?

Welcome to the place where we do just that! You don’t need to be crafty, you don’t need hours of prep time, all you need is to buy the supplies, (A list is found right here) pick up this free resource that teaches you how to thread the needle and knot the thread, read the story lesson, follow the easy tutorial, and your done!

These are free story lesson plans so no lesson planning, no YouTube searches, no figuring out what basic stiches are and what they are used for, it’s all here, ready and waiting for you!

Read todays story lesson to see if my free hand sewing curriculum will work for you!

Then, if you wish to start from the beginning click here for lesson one, Even Baste Stitch

Now on to lesson two, learning the uneven bast stitch.

Family Styled Hand Sewing Curriculum

The Wetherwind Family Learns To Uneven Baste

The Wetherwind family were a homeschooling family of 8. Abigail was the only girl but was the oldest at aged 14. Adam comes next in line at the manly age of 12, followed by Joseph age 9, Benson age 7, Oscar comes next at age 4, with Edmond bringing up the rear at age 2.

They lived with their mother and father in a house on the hill.

Granny and grandpa were here for two whole weeks to teach the children, and mother for she wanted to learn how to hand sew too.

The first lesson the older students learned to sew the even baste stitch on a 5 by 8 white aida cloth as a sampler to learn all the basic stitches.

The children had such a great time that with their first lesson that morning, that after lunch and during nap time (for Oscar and Edmond) moved on to the second stitch, the uneven basting stitch. Benson chose to go talk to grandpa. Leaving mother, Abigail, Adam, and Joseph with granny.

Family Styled Hand Sewing Curriculum

What Is An Uneven Baste Stitch and It’s Uses

It is almost exactly the same as the even baste stitch, but it has smaller stitches on the back. It has the same function as the even bast, that is to hold fabric in place for you so you can easily sew the seam with out troubles.” said granny.

“What kind of troubles?” asked Joseph.

“Like having your fabric twisting out of shape while you sew, crooked seems, and other stuff.”

“Now let’s get going!” said Adam, who was beginning to wiggle a lot in his seat.

Granny and mother laughed.

“Have you ever held still?” wondered mother.

“Nope!” came the proud reply.

“Yes, let’s get going.” agreed granny. “Thread your needle, then knot. That’s it. This time let’s write the name of the stitch down before we sew.” Last time they wrote the name after they had sewed.

Every one got out their pens and wrote “Uneven Baste Stitch” underneath their even baste stitch and on the left side.

“Grab your rulers and draw a straight line like this. Now come up from underneath. Using your thumb as a measurement, go back down, come right back up again that is closer than your thumb length…” granny demonstrated like so.

“Oh, so instead of skipping 10 holes each time , you only skip 10 on the top and 5 on the bottom.”

“That’s exactly right Abigail” said granny.

Family Styled Hand Sewing Curriculum

Losing Patience

Mother, granny, Abigail, Adam, and Joseph sewed in silence for a few minutes. Granny was sewing with them to help demonstrate the process better.

A few minutes in, Adam was losing patience and said, “Is there a faster way of sewing this just like their was in the even basting stich?”

“I plum forgot to teach you! Yes there is. You go up and down many times before pulling your needle and thread all the way through. Like this.” everyone watched granny.

“Oh that’s practically the same way to sew faster for the even baste. The only difference is you don’t use your thumb to measure the stitches behind. I get it! It all makes sense now.” exclaimed Joseph who was particularly enjoying the hand sewing lessons and was already thinking of many future projects.

“I already said that.” said Abidail.

“Well I didn’t hear!” was the defensive reply.

After a few minutes Joseph was assured that there was no offence meant. The sewing continued.

Just a few minute later all the sewers were finished with the uneven baste stitch.

“Let’s learn another one!” said Abigail and Joseph almost at the same time.

“No I want to go outside and run.” Dear readers, I hope you understand the need for running is greater in some children than in others.

“That’s a great idea!” declared granny “except let’s go walking!” Granny was daily walker and could out walk any of her grandchildren!”

So it was agreed that the next lesson would wait until the next day.

So off they went, with Benson and grandpa joining them. Mother stayed home to get some time to herself.

The end for now.

Problem Solved!

I hope you loves this basic hand sewing lesson for your beginners. You used to wonder how you could possibly add handicrafts to your already to much to do’s list but now now you have free sewing lesson plans that are family styled and fun for the whole family!

Again, to join us in our story lessons:

Now that your handicraft problem is solved, sit back, relax, and feel the wait fall off your shoulders!

See you next time!

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  1. I haven’t checked in here for a while since I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂

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