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Free Embroidery Sampler For Homeschooling Families

Hand Embroidery Sampler

I am so excited to share with you a free hand embroidery sampler I created for you and your children! As usual I teach this through the whimsical stories of Charlotte and her wood nymph friend Willow’s adventures. Plenty of pictures guide you through the process.

I promise you will love to see the wonder light up in your children’s eyes as they listen to you read this story!

But before I share these goodies with you, I want to discuss why you should bother with such a traditional craft to begin with?

wood nymph fairy sewing
This is Willow sewing a needle book. She is a great teacher. You and your children will love her! Learn how to sew a simple needle book yourself here.

Forgotten Crafts:Embroidery Samplers

If you don’t need any convincing and just want to get started then click here. Otherwise read on!

I first became fascinated by samplers when I was 10 or 11 by reading the story of Felicity Meriman from the well love American Girl series. It was the second book in the series called “Felicity Learns A Lesson”. This started my journey of falling in love with the (hand sewing) forgotten traditional crafts.

I made my own cross stitch hand sampler and loved it despite the frustrations of knots and tangles. (if this is you then slowing down your sewing will relieve this hardship from your life! Well it will if you keep at it, my occasional impatiences still brings back my tangle of hardship. Hehe, why yes I am a big nerd thanks for asking 😉 )

Later I learned embroidery and loved this so much more than cross stitch, even though I love cross stitch too. There’s more things you can do with embroidery that is not possible with cross stitch. With embroidery you can sew many different shapes of flowers and leaves…. If you follow this journey with me you will see how wonderfully versatile embroidery is.

Why Bother With Traditional Crafts?

When you were a child, did you love hearing the adults telling each other stories? I sure did! I would listen at the dinning room table for hours just soaking everything what I heard up.

Following are 3 reasons why you should learn traditional embroidery and why I have passed these traditions on to my children.

beginner embroidery sampler
Pencil drawing of the sampler. The sewn version is come as the story progresses. When it is done, I’ll come back and add it.

Reason For Embroidery Sampler Number 1

I remember hearing the stories of cooking in coal stoves, of Monday laundry days that would take all day by hand in the basement. I loved listening to my grandparents and parents talk about their past mishaps, struggles and fun times. My mom told me she made a sampler, and her mom made one and so on back.

I don’t cook with coal. I also don’t wish to do laundry for my family of 8 by hand. Though it would be good arm exercise!

Embroidery is something I learned without to much trouble and without to much trouble, passed on to my children. Passing these traditions on creates a wonderful feeling of connection in families. This was true for me as a child. It is true for me still and is working with my children, yes even my boys! (I have 5 of them. My 3 oldest know how to embroider.)

Plus these traditional crafts are just so much fun!

Ready to start? Click here!

Still not convinced? Keep reading!

Reason For Embroidery Sampler Number 2

If you want another reason to learn traditional and forgotten crafts then here it is, it teaches children patience, perseverance, concentration, and pride for a job well done! Seeing the fruits of our labors are lessons never forgotten! My years of crafting have given me much practice in these important virtues, which is good because boy did I need them! Actually we never stop needing them, am I right?

Can you see how hand embroidery samplers are so much more then just needle and thread?

Get started by clicking here!

Are you still not convinced? Well what’s the matter with you? Hehe, just kidding.

Reason For Embroidery Sampler Number 3

I will add one more excellent reason to start hand embroidery sampler, time together.

We are so busy going to practice, to school, to the store etc that we don’t spend as much time as we wish to with our children. You can’t find time for embroidery, but you can make time.

Children embroidering
My Benjamin and I have had good times sewing together. I can’t find photos of sewing with my 3 older children, sadly.

No matter how much time spent with traditional crafts, you will get so much out of it. You will feel closer together, you learn the a fore mentioned virtues together, troubles your children are having will come out seemingly from no where, stories you have a sudden erge to share will come spilling out, in short these forgotten crafts are some of the best ways to spend time with your precious children.

You can combine quality and quantity time with your children starting with this hand embroidery sampler for beginners is the perfect place to start.

What can be more worth your time than this?

Click here for your first free lesson!

Ok, How Do I Make Time For An Embroidery Sampler?

Time is a problem isn’t it? This is why I do what I do. I love saving busy mom’s time so they can finally spend the time with the ones they love the most, your children.

I help put your overwhelm to rest so you can stop stressing and start doing.

My stories are not long and they do the teaching for you. Lots of photos guide you to completion of each new project. Little by little, and step by step you go.I will be here to help you the whole way!

Click here for the story and directions to make your own samplers at home with your children.

I promise you won’t regret it.

starter embroidery sampler
Don’t worry, I’ll get a better picture as soon as my prince Edward lets me. He’s my baby squishy! Taking this photo was more difficult that I thought it would be.

Forgotten Crafts Are For Me

Don’t go yet! If you resonate with my message today then I invite you to sign up for my email community! I will send you weekly emails about the new embroidery lessons we are learning and tips for you to continue to cut the overwhelm out of your journey.

This journey goes well past embroidery samplers and I hope you will join us right now! I will be giving free patterns, tips, and lessons bi monthly. I do bi monthly to help you and your children not be overwhelmed and to be honest me it helps my overwhelm with 6 children as well.

I also have an etsy shop with embroidery and dolls patterns based on Fairy Tales and ballet stories.

Click here to see my shop!

Speaking of Fairy Tales, my husband has created a podcast full of these stories and others like them. Download the podcast called ” Tales From Long Ago” and subscribe so you don’t miss a single story!

Or you can click here to listen on my website.

Willow the wood nymph teaches children how to embroider
Here’s Willow. She is teaching Charlotte how to start her sampler. If your child would love to learn with them then click here!

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