
Free Printable Valentines Day Cards Inspired By The Dollar Tree

Free printable Valentines day cards are the gift I give you today. I came up with this idea shopping at the Dollar Tree store and saw these adorable metal envelopes.

If you want to have a close knit family, read on for I share something that has worked really well for my family.

Click here for your Free printable Valentines day cards!

Free Printable Valentines Day Cards

Valentines Day, More Then Just Chocolates and Flowers

My daddy died last month, as I write this. I was there when he died, along with my mother and several of my siblings.

Even though there was much grief in that room, a feeling of calm, peace, and assurance of seeing him again filled my being. We all took turns holding each other…it was beautiful and sorrowful.

More family came soon after my fathers passing. The love and care we had for one another elevated my spirit, and I loved my brothers, sisters, and mom more then I ever had before.

It felt like a glimpse of what heaven is like.

Why did this happen? I don’t know for sure, but I think, because of our grief, because of this experience, we had a bond and an extra need to help one another through this. As a result of helping one another, we were more free to share our love.

So perhaps that’s it, that’s a key to family connection. It’s to serve and show love to your family regularly!

I miss my daddy very much. He is gone, for now, but I have most of my family with me still, including my family I love the most, my children, and my husband.

The question became, how can I take what I learned from my dad’s passing to help my family love each other more?

Click for your free Valentines day cards here.

Free Printable Valentines Day Cards

Dollar Tree Inspiration

So weeks later, when I came to the Valentines day section of the Dollar Tree, I saw it! The perfect thing to help my children, husband, and I grow a deep and lasting connection! Metal, wall hanging envelopes!

Sounds silly I know, but please hear me out!

I only bought one thinking this would work, but with 6 children I quickly realized I needed 7 more. Thankfully it’s only $1 each! Thank you Dollar Tree!

I hung them up in age order to help everyone remember whose was whose. Especially since my good intention to make name tags did not happen! I have many good intentions that never happen! Can you relate? 🙂

The plan is to put appreciation and gratitude for things like working hard, showing kindness etc., and to tell them how much I love them.

I encourage my children who can write, to do the same but to those who can’t can draw. I am not forcing any one to do it though!

To make this a little easier for us, I made little cards that fit the metal envelopes perfectly.

If you would like to do something similar for your family then click her___e for your free copy of these Valentines day love notes. There are 4 different options that you can print again and again year after year.

I wish you and your family a very happy Valentines day. Hold them close, family is the most precious thing we have.

Again you can find this free V-day cards printable here.

Free Printable Valentines Day Cards

How It’s Been Working

As new things goes, this started out strong but has waned. The card use goes up and down, to non at all which is just fine. Our family has become closer anyway, which is the goal so I call that a great success!

For now I will be putting these cards and envelopes away because we are preparing our house to sell, but they defiantly will be out again next year. I’m contemplating having special occasions when I bring them out again through out the year.

Doing it this way, I hope, will keep it from becoming mundane. We shall see!

Start today by printing out the V-day cards here.

Free Printable Valentines Day Cards

If You Are New Here…

This blog post was quiet different then I normally write so I wanted to take minute to tell you how I can help you and your children. Even though my ultimate goal is to help you draw closer to your family, I do this in a way that on the surface, isn’t related at all.

Embroidery lessons for homeschooling families! I can speak from experience that crafting together is a memory all will cherish!

Handicrafts are so hard to fit into our homeschooling day. Between math, reading, and chasing toddlers, making time for crafts can be overwhelming and we end up not doing it.

Crafting together as a family, brought me closer to my family. Being creative and having fun together was the perfect ingredients for a family love potion!

Yes this is totally cheesy but still true!

My mission is to make this easy for you, and magical for your children! I teach embroidery tutorials (and more) through stories of tiny wood nymphs and children learning together with occasional extra stories and crafts.

Simply gather a few supplies, read the story tutorial, and follow the photos to learn the lesson!

Oh, and did I mention it was free? Pretty darn cool eh?

If this excites you I invite you to explore my website to see if this will be a great fit for your family. The first embroidery lesson is right here.

A tiny wood nymph doll dancing. Behind her are stumps and to the side of her is her tiny embroidery basket
Here’s Willow the wood nymph, ready and waiting to teach your children to embroider! For the first story click here

Next Week

I hope your family grows closer together this year because you put these free printable Valentines day to good use. Even if this doesn’t get used in the way you envision, any amount will be a blessing to those precious people you love more than anyone else in the world.

Next week we will be working on our first embroidery pattern inspired by the fairy tale, Rumpelstiltskin.

embroidery pattern of a spinning wheel, gold thread, and a window
This Rumpelstiltskin pattern is great for beginner embroidery1

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