
Handicrafts Embroidery Chapter 6 Learning The Back Stitch

Welcome to handicrafts embroidery lessons. We are on Chapter 7 and we will be learning the back stitch.

Stories help guide and excite your children in each lesson. Photos guide you through each tutorial, making the lessons easy to follow and may even be done without you there.

embroidery sampler pink running stitch heart, blue watering can back  stitch, green corn stalk stem stitch, brown flower box straight stitch, plus borders
Handicrafts embroidery story lessons to learn how to sew the above embroidery sampler.

Our main characters are Charlotte and her brother William, who are taught embroidery by the wood nymph Willow.

It was a lucky day when Charlotte, our eager young learner, came upon Willow, a wood nymph who loves to embroider. They have had many adventures while learning to embroider, with William being a happy new addition to the party!

wire wood nymph doll in blue dress and green hat with tiny embroidery basket
Meet Willow the wood nymph. Ain’t she cute?

If you would like to start from the beginning, you may click here.

So far we have learned what supplies are needed

made a simple needle book to store those easily lost needles, 

we drew a pattern onto paper, transferred the pattern onto white cotton fabric, and have learned the first stitch, which is the straight stitch,

and continue to learn many more.

In today’s kid’s embroidery curriculum, we are learning how to sew the stem stitch.

Print out your free sampler pattern here______ so you can follow along!


Chapter 6

Learning The Back Stitch

Last Time -Charlotte introduced her big brother William to her wood nymph friend Willow. William had such a good time that he decided to learn embroidery too. It was decided that Charlotte would teach her brother everything she had learned so far so that the next week they could continue to learn together.

“That’s it William!”, declared Charlotte proudly. “You have now learned everything that Willow has taught me. This afternoon, at our next embroidery lesson with Willow, you will be able to learn the back stitch with me. I’m super excited!”

William was no less pleased then Charlotte. “Yep. I am an embroidery genius.”

Both laughed.

A Kinder Home

Mom came by just then and watched her two eldest children with pleasure.

“I must say,” said mom. “Ever since you started to embroider together you have been kinder to one another.”

Neither Charlotte or William had ever thought about it. There was no doubt that they had felt closer together since William met Willow.

“Your right mom. We are having more fun together. Or maybe William has just become more bearable.”

“Hey!”, exclaimed William. He chased her around the room and their mother laughed.

That afternoon, they set out into the woods at the back of their house with their embroidery baskets . All the way there, Charlotte chatted about meeting Willow’s family, all 11 of them!

William listened with delight.

The walk to Willow’s house went by swiftly. Willow waved from the barn window and soon joined them on the grass to start the next lesson.

Tiny wire wood nymph doll with blue dress and green hat waving from a barn window
(Is there a cuter way to bring handicrafts embroidery to your homeschool?)

Handicraft Embroidery Lesson Begins

“Next, we will use the embroidery stitch called the back stitch. On our samplers, we will sew the two house shapes on the corners, and the watering can in the middle.”

Just then, Willow saw William’s sampler. “My, but you have done a lot of work since last week, William. Looks great!”, then looking at Charlotte said, “You have done a good job teaching.”

Charlotte reddened with pleasure. “All thanks to you.”

Willow smiled.

“Shall we start with the watering can?”, asked Willow.

“Yes.” said her pupils together.

“As always, start from underneath and pull up. It doesn’t matter where you start. Back down goes the needle, just a little way. This starts just like a straight stitch.”

Once Willow’s pupils had finished, she continued.

Learning The Back Stitch

“Skip ahead like you are sewing a running stitch, but unlike the adventurous running stitch, the back stitch goes backwards, not sure whether she wants to continue her journey. Go down here…. that’s it. ‘Well,’ says the back stitch, “Maybe I will just go a little bit further.’ The back stitch really meant just a little bit further. In fact, you just go up the far side of your second stitch.” Willow stopped to peek at William’s and Charlotte’s work. “William, your stitches are a little to big, and Charlotte, yours are just a wee bit to small. Start again.”

Sometimes We Must Start Again

Willow unthreaded her work to show them how to undo stitches. Starting with the last stitch, Willow used her needle to start pulling out her stitches, until she was at the beginning.

“Pulling out stitches is kinda hard.”, said William. “I mean not physically hard…I guess it’s just hard to see your work gone.”

Charlotte agreed, but Willow comforted them both.

“Don’t worry, you will be able to sew them back quickly, and this time they will look even better. Now isn’t that nifty gifty?”

Willow was just too adorable and helpful, they had to smile, even through their own frustrations.

Soon they were ready to continue.

“Up in the right side of your second stitch you go. Back down a little ahead. Then the back stitch feels a little braver and skips a stitch length ahead, but realizes she is scared, and goes back down in the last stitch. That’s all there is to it! One stitch ahead, scared stitch back, one step bravely on, she starts acting like the running stitch, but realizes she is not as brave as the running stitch and goes back. She is not entirely without bravery and continues forward, a little at a time.”

“This makes perfect sense,” said Charlotte happily.

William smiled and said, “This isn’t so hard!”

“Embroidery really isn’t so hard,” said Willow. “And it’s a whole lot of fun!”

All heads nodded in agreement and so three stitched happily on.

What The Back Stitch Is Useful For

“Willow, would you tell William about baby Mossy?”, asked Charlotte. “Mossy is Willow’s baby sister. She is the cutest tiny, giggly, pink bundle.”

Well, big sister Willow was always ready to talk about her adorable baby sister. As they sewed, Willow told them about what Mossy was learning, the cute things she did, and mischief she got into.

Before long, the watering can was finished and they moved on to the two corners of the border.

“I plum forgot to tell you that the back stitch is great for following the shape of everything not plant related. The stem stitch does that, though you could use the back stitch instead. Though poor Mr. Stem Stitch might feel hurt if you don’t use him!” Willow giggled at her joke.

“Well this was a lot of fun, thanks Willow!”, said William as he finished up.

“It was my pleasure.”, smiled Willow. “I best be off. I promised my mama that I would cook dinner today.”

They waved goodbye to her as she skipped off through the trees.

Charlotte and William turned and started walking home. They were silent until William said,

“Willow really is a dear heart, isn’t she?”

“A ‘dear heart’ that’s a good way to describe her. I like that William.”, answered Charlotte.

Handicrafts Embroidery Coming Up

Loved the story and want to get started stitching? Here is your free embroidery sampler pattern here!____

I hope you liked this week’s embroidery lesson! Be sure to go back to the other story lessons so you can enjoy the full experience.

Next week, come back for the blanket stitch!

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