
Handicrafts For Kids: Twisted Chain Story Tutorial Free

Handicrafts for kids is the perfect thing to add to your Charlotte Mason homeschooling! I offer a free embroidery curriculum inspired by Charlotte Mason which is taught through stories.

Don’t just bring crafts to your homeschooling day, stick a bit of wonder in there too!

Tiny doll drawing drawing an embroidery sampler
Do stories about a tiny wood nymph embroidering sound wonder filled to you? This is Willow, she is drawing an embroidery pattern.

Handicrafts For Kids

If you have ever wondered why you should care about adding handicrafts to your already busy Charlotte Mason homeschooling days, then I have a great resource for you.

To join todays lesson, download this free PDF embroidery sampler.

Following is a quick review of what you have missed, before moving on to the twisted chain lesson.


Charlotte was the one to meet her first. Her brother William joined a little later on. Since then Willow, who was a tiny wood nymph, no bigger then your palm, has been these sibling embroidery teacher and best friend.

They have accomplished their first embroidery sampler, first embroidery pattern, and are now currently working on their second embroidery sampler. With each sampler, new stitches are learn.

Stitches learned and enjoyed from the first embroidery sampler:

Stitches learned and enjoyed from the second embroidery sampler:

Again to download your free embroidery sampler click here.

Now we are ready to get started on today’s embroidery lesson!

Handicrafts For Kids

Chapter 10

How To Tell The Family

How to tell the family. that was the current problem.

After all everyone knows that wood nymphs aren’t real. It’s just a fact like the ground gets wet when it rains or if kicked a ball moves.

For Charlotte and William Oaks, this used to be true, but when someone that shouldn’t exist keeps talking to you, well what else are you supposed to do but believe?

The time was right to tell mom, dad, 3 year old Charlie and the baby___ that wood nymphs were real. If they were lucky the wood nymph family and the human family could be good friends.

“We could just tell them before they see Willow so they aren’t so shocked when we introduce them.”

“Should we be outside? Inside?”

Many questions where asked and different scenarios where discussed.

Willow’s tiny voice chimed in. “I think you should introduce me as your teacher before we go inside. I don’t think you lesson the surprise.”

More discussion was had. It was finally decided to follow Willow’s advice.

The 3 arrived in the back yard of Charlotte and William’s house, for Willow lived in the woods behind their home. They walked around to the front. William went into the house and brought his parents too the front door.

Handicrafts For Kids

I Want You To Meet….

“Mom dad, Charlotte and I want you to meet the dearest embroidery teacher we could ever have!” The sweetest tiny giggles filled the air followed by a tiny twinkling voice saying, “Oh William you are so kind. You and Charlotte are my dearest friends!”

Dad and mom’s eyes widened at the sound and mouth dropped at the sight. In Charlotte’s cupped hands sat Willow beaming up at every one.

But just as Charlotte and William had done, mom and dad gradually became used to being with some one that couldn’t possibly be real. Willow did have a gift for making people feel at ease as well.

Charlotte introduced Willow to her 3 year old brother Charlie and the baby, who had no troubles believing Willow was real.

“Oh Charlotte, Charlie and the baby are just as darling as you described!”

The story of how Charlotte met Willow and William were told. The Valentine’s day heart balls and pouch ideas and how to came from Willow and all sorts of things. But since this story is mostly an embroidery story we will skip right onto the next tutorial.

Handicrafts For Kids

Twisted Chain Tutorial

I would love to watch a lesson, said mom. They were all at the kitchen table talking, Willow was on the table looking as natural and normal as can be.

Willow brought her embroidery basket with her. Charlotte and William brought theirs out and the lesson began, using their embroidery sampler.

“You start the same way as you do the chain stitch. In fact the only difference is a twist.” said Willow with a giggle.

“Oh,” said Charlotte. “So like this?”

Charlotte started sewing a chain stitch.

“Stop there! Now pick up your loop. Give it a twist, sometimes I need to twist it twice to look like one twist…yeppy deppy, that’s a twist. Keep going… that’s it!”

“I didn’t quite see that.” said William.

“Oh dear.” Willow picked up her tiny embroidery hoop with a tiny embroidery needle and showed William how to sew the twisted chain stitch.

“Oh that’s easy!” said William.

“It really is,” agreed Willow with a big grin.

“Well aren’t you a wonderful teacher,” complimented dad.

Mom agreed and added, “Your embroidery hoop is darling!” Really tiny things are so adorable. Tiny chairs, food, and babies are just so precious aren’t they?

“Well, thank you kindly mama Oaks!” Replied Willow. Oaks was the family’s last name.

Just a couple of corrections, were needed and the children sewed happily the downward hanging branches on their sampler. All agreed, the twisted chain stitch looked just right.

As the children embroidered mom and dad asked questions to get to know Willow a bit more.

Handicrafts For Kids

Beginning Of A New Friendship

“Where do you live?”

“I live in the woods behind your house in a Willow tree. That’s why my name is Willow, because I was the first one born in the Willow tree.”

“How many sibling do you have?”

“Eleven. They are the dearest siblings in the world. Mossy is the baby and as dear as she can be. Charlotte and I have talked a lot about how darling our baby sisters are before William joined us….”

From there, mom and dad didn’t need to ask any more questions because Willow kept talking about her family. Darling stories as well as funny and a few sad ones, but all of them kept her audience attention.

I can not get into these stories today dear reader, but I will say that it was decided that the families would get together very soon.

When this will happen, it is not known yet, but one thing I am sure of, is that it will be a time to remember!

The End For Now

Next Week

Come back next week for the French knot lesson. To follow along with the lessons you can print out a copy of the embroidery sampler here.

See you next time!

You May Also Like:

  • My embroidery pattern collection on my Etsy shop.
  • Free Christmas crafts and stories
  • My free Valentines day crafts and stories, which is the same link as above.

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    1. I have never used the word charming for embroidery, I think that is the perfect descriptive word for it!

      I hope you start. Besides being charming, it is a simple skill to pick up without lots of time spent. Plus it is an inexpensive craft.

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