Organized Things To Make At Home, Create & Craft For Busy Moms
Learn how to organized things to make at home, so you can create and craft with less clutter! You don’t need to own a whole craft store to provide enough craft materials for your children to learn useful handicrafts. In fact it is much better not too!

Craft Supply Storage Ideas,
With 5 Tips To Lessen The Mess
I bet you have seen how having to many toys doesn’t help your children enjoy them more then having less toys. This also applies to craft materials. Not to mention the extra horrible mess it creates without the any added benefit.
Today I give you 5 tips for helping you reduce the amount of craft supplies you own, which of course also reduces your stress level. Who doesn’t need less stress in their lives? After all if we are overwhelmed and stressed out with the amount of supplies we have then we are not motivated to make, create, and craft at home which would put us in a very sad and sorry state.
So Many Craft Supplies, So Little Space
I am a bit of handicraft junky. We have supplies for machine sewing, hand sewing, paints, pencils, embroidery, candle making, whittling, felting, hand spinning, weaving, crocket, knitting, nature crafts and I think I might be missing something. Phew, that’s a lot of craft supplies!
I have struggled with storing all of these things for years. At last I have a handle on it and I am going to share with you 5 tips that have helped me keep my supplies under control.
Tip #1 – How To Organize Craft Supplies In A Small Space
Have a designated space for everything. Or as the old saying goes that my mother was fond of quoting to me, “A place for everything, and everything in it’s place.”
To accomplish this seemingly daunting task, I store the bulk of my supplies in baskets. I organize my craft supplies in categories. One category per basket. For example, I have fabric in a basket but nothing else. I store wool in another but I include our hand spindles in it because I use wool to spin with the hand spindle.

Once these baskets are full and before I buy any more I must either, use up what I have, or I must donate them!
Same for all categories. I can’t buy more knitting needles than what I can fit in my container. Same with my yarn basket, whittling basket, etc.
I can’t tell you how freeing it is! The mess is down, the stress, is down, finding things is up, and life is good!
Tip #2 – Organized Things To Make At Home, Create and Craft
Hide most everything behind closed doors or drawers.
One day my husband was at Costco without me and he saw a piece of storage furniture that I had wanted but it was too expensive. It was being returned and he knew that once things are returned at Costco they go to auctions houses to be sold there.
So he asked a manager if he could buy it. The manager let him have it for $150! The original price was around $500.
I put baskets in it and filled it with my craft supplies. The doors where made of glass though and there was something about seeing it that gave me stress, even if the baskets were neat.
What I needed was a way to cover the glass that was quick and cheap!
So I hot glued burlap fabric behind the glass and now I don’t see anything and my stress level went way down! It actually quite amazing.

Out of sight out of mind!
Tip #3 – Organized Things To Make At Home, Create and Craft
Put unfinished craft projects behind closed doors. I know this is nearly the same advice as tip #2, but it is important enough to be included in it’s own tip!
Having them floating from the couch, to the floor, around the corner, to the hall, and goodness knows where to next was not good for my nerves! I feel a bit like Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice after saying that, but it’s still true!

Tip #4 – Organized Things To Make At Home, Create and Craft
Pick a piece of furniture or more and stick to it. Closets can work too if you have good shelving for basket holding.
I used to have crafts in the closet, under my bed, in our school room, on top of the bookshelf… not any more! I have 1 piece of furniture that has my crafts supplies and another piece of furniture to store the in progress projects. The rest is used as decoration that I keep in our library/craft/daddy office/media room.
So to recap, I have two lines of defense to keep my craft buying in check. Number 1 is I limit the amount of baskets I have, and number 2 I limit the places I can store them. It is a system that really works!
If you have a lot of extra supplies it can be hard to get rid of it and shrink the amount you have. But it is worth the effort. I feel so much less stressed and you will too! But it is not just me, my children have less stress too.
Tip #5 – How To Organize Craft Supplies In A Small Space
Store some of your items in cute containers and use it as decoration!
I have buttons that are in a glass jar I found for a few dollars. My thread is in a cute basket I found years ago at the Dollar Tree, but I think the thread would also look nice in a clear jar too.

I have seam rippers and crocket hooks in “milk jars” from Hobby Lobby. Also from Hobby Lobby I found a container, no idea what it is called, to put my knitting needles in.

To Recap
Organized Things To Make At Home, Create and Craft
Is this a lot of work? Yep! Do you have to much to do already? Yep! Is it worth taking the day off of school to concentrate on following these tips? Absolutely!
Here’s a quick recap of what we learned today.
- Have a designated space for everything. Keep like things in a basket or two and DON”T buy more than what the basket can hold!
- Hide most everything behind closed doors or drawers. What you don’t see won’t stress you out. 😉
- Put unfinished craft projects behind closed doors. Keep the projects organized and findable!
- Pick a piece of furniture or more and stick to it. This also helps keep the amount of craft supplies you have to a manageable amount.
- Store some of your items in cute containers and use it as decoration! Practical and cute is a win win combination!
Following these 5 tips will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders because it has!
More Tips For Organizing Your Homeschool Supplies
I came upon this video a while back and thought it very helpful. I think you will too. Click here to watch the video.